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How do you turn?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:14 pm
by flvaulter
ok here is the deal
i have good speed
a good rock back
but i still cant turn over
this is keeping me from the school record
is there any tips on how to do it
i seem to kick out at the bar and not up
please help!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:09 am
by indestructo
based solely on what you are telling us... and assuming everything in your plant is good... It sounds like you may not be rotating past vertical on the pole. Getting past vertical to around a 1 o'clock position will allow you to extend straight up. It sounds like you aren't getting there, which causes your feet to drop when you push out and therefore kick out to the crossbar instead of pushing up off the top of the pole. Again this is assuming your step is on, that you have a nice strong tall plant, driving well with the chest (not the hips), as well as a strong drive knee, good long sweeping swing through... any one of those can have an impact on your ability to rotate far enough on pole.

just my 2cents...


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:33 am
by vaulter580
one thing that might help is to keep pressure on the top hand as you rotate, and as soon as you can, point your toes back at the runway..kinda like you cast your foot to sprint
once you get your hips above your shoulders try to take your right leg and wrap it around the top of the pole as if the pole extended another 4 feet or so