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Really mad ab today, just want to vent!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 10:10 pm
by mikes1487
ya it really pissed me off 2day i was feeling really good all day school was goin good and the tendentious in my knee was not actin up at all.It was perfect vaulting weather 2, it was about 70 out with no wind. so i start to warm up doin really good pop-ups and good during the warm ups. so i come in at opening height 8' (im a soph. and my PR this and last year was 9') i jump and clear it easy. then 8'6 then i go up get good bend and i just dont swing back enough and get knock it off with my feet. then i do the same thing 2 more times. so im out at 8'6 and then i wait till the last guy vaults his last attempt at 13'. so after the meet i go and just do one run and make 9'6!! can anyone give me some good drills that make the "rock back" phase eaiser? my coach says thats my bigest problem and if i gut rock back more my bend with get me up to at least 11'.

-thanks, mike

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 1:28 pm
by lope14feet
to tell you thetruth you probably shouldn't bebending the pole until after 11'

I Agree

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 6:52 pm
by BSU_Vault
I would have to agree, a male should be able to vault well over 9' without even having to bend the pole. You should not be gripping any higher than 126-130" and should be able to invert and stiff pole vault over 9'. Even our girls at the collegiate level work at that. We do this from 8-10 steps(4-5 lefts). Don't get so caught up in having to bend poles. Stiff pole vaulting builds strength that you will need when you are vaulting higher. Good luck.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:47 pm
by keelowman
I agree with BSU we do this 3 to 4 stirde drill trying to jump as high as possible (row and throws). Keep in mind you dont bend the pole and try to raise you grip. Start the bar low around 8' and work you way up to as high as you can go. Use a bungee, you dont have to worrie about knocking off or landing on the cross bar.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:37 am
by advath
Rockback strength drills can be found in ... kback.html
More drills will be added in the next week.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:26 pm
by tim hutzley
I had one of those days yesterday it freakin sucks. I had 14 vaults 2 were ok and 1 was good. but the one good one I got pretty close to vaulting 14

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:59 pm
by DaReDeViL
yea yo i have to agree with these guys, u don't need to be bending yet...i'm a soph in HS and my coach wouldn't let me bend until i cleared 10'...juss be patient, it'll all come together...but some GREAT drills for practicing your rock back is if u have a rope, a long one, one u can hang from a tall tree or something, be creative, but yea and run and grab the rope (pretend it is ur pole) and practice keepin your plant arm straight as u grab the rope (like a simulated take-off) and then swiging upside-down on the rope (simulating your invert)...etc. etc.