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Head Wind

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:26 pm
by Benjamin1205
I live in Michigan and lately it has been very windy. Our mats are set up so you run south down the runway, but the wind is always blowing north. I was wondering if the wind usually just blows in a random direction or if their is a certain way it usually blows. Today the wind was 15 mph going north and yesterday it was 12 mph going north. Last year our mats were facing the other way and i had very few problems with the wind but our coach wanted us the put the mats in a different spot this year and everyday we have been vaulting against the wind. Does anyone else have problems with the wind? Will the wind settle down, is it always very windy in April, I never really noticed. What should I do?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:36 pm
by CHC04Vault
A human sacrifice to the wind god will usually do, jp of course. Most of the time wind is random, unless u are b/w buildings or hills in which it will either go one way or the complete opposite. My advice...don't jump on windy days if at all possible, if not...just know u have to follow through a lil harder.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:40 pm
by RidinHigh
Windy day SUCK! trust me I know from the experience I had today. I seriously had to wait like 5 minutes to vault while I was standing on the runway. It got so bad it started blowing our pit out of position! That is when I decided it was enough to call it quits for the day.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:45 pm
by PVPirate26
head winds are brutal but wind rocks when it is coming from behind!! i PRed by a foot last year when i had an awesome tail wind!! ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:24 am
by moehill
you ought to live in west texas, the wind always blows here, the last three days it has gust 35-40 mph and our pit only go one direction its a wonder we ever get to vault. I feel your pain

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:25 am
by mcminkz05
Im in Michigan too, and iv had to deal with a crazy strong head wind the last 3 days too. Today it was so bad i didnt even bother trying to vault, its getting REALLY annoying. I dont remember having too much problem in the past, but the wind seems to always be a head wind so far this year :mad: :no:

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:36 am
by Markpv314
Our pit used to be good but last year they cut down a bunch of orange groves around our school to build houses and thats when the wind sarted to pick up. Everyday we vault in head winds and we even compete in meets that way.I cant think of a more annoying thing to try and jump through. It is not only difficult but dangerous as well.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:50 am
by DaRuk
We have a headwind at our school too. Headwinds suck. :mad:

But I think they can be a good thing too. I have probably vaulted a total of 2 days in practice this season. Those were the days I was up to fighting it; all the other days I do the sprint workouts, and approach work in the long jump. I have already increased my pr by 6 inches and there is still over 2 months till the state meet.

Headwinds kind of force you to do other things (like work on speed and get faster); which is why in my case I think the headwind is actually beneficial. It depends on what level you are on, but I think leaving vaulting for special occassions really forces you to do the best you can when possible.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:10 pm
by Aviendha
actually, winds kind of do have a pattern...there's a global pattern, jet streams and all that...ever notice that storms usually come from the same direction a lot of the time? here stuff usually moves northeast/eastish...
thats not to say that winds won't come from every direction, sometimes in the same day :dazed: we've had switches almost 180 degrees before!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:45 pm
by Vaulter99
The winds are going to remiain in that direction forever. Trust Me!! Ever since I started vaulting the winds at our pit have always pushed against me. And to make it worse, The sun is always dead in our eyes so, not only are we constrained by the wind, but we are also blinded by the sunlight.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:35 pm
by jmpngblonde
headwind can be dangerous if its like 30-40 mph, but if its safe jumping into it on purpose is good for you. it come in handy ot be used to headwind when you have one at big meets...last year at regionals i won on misses because headwind didnt bother me but it bothered some other people. And maybe Im just weird, but 2 weeks ago at Disney i prd by an inch in headwind.... :)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:38 pm
by distancejumper
It's been windy here in minnesota too. today was our first day outside. we just did drills into the long jump pits