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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:02 pm
by Mr.Sti
ok well i have a meet tomorrow and all of a sudden at pratice i have been skipping before i get to the pit, and i just want to know if it is my steps or wat.......How many steps does everyone take before yall start?

ONe way in a pinch is to...

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:13 pm
by Bruce Caldwell
Get your take off at the plant a plum line for now from the top handgrip to the toe of the take off foot.

Place foot on this mark and run the step back to a suitable take off.

This will give you a start point for now..

I always during my every day walking try to select spot in front of me and see if I can walk so my take off foot lands on the crack in the concrete of a mark on the walk way. Doing this will mentally set you for the same during the approach, as you program yourself to develop a proper run..
start with 4 lefts them add as you progress.

Good luck hope this little drill will line you up. It is better than a stab in the dark!!!

Bruce Caldwell