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14'-15' poles

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:47 pm
by patybobady
i am currently on a 14' 165 spirit, holding at about 13'6ish. i am vaulting 13'6"-13'9", and am thinking of moving to 15' poles. i have 15' poles 150 pounds - 175 pounds. if i go on the 15' 150 and hold a little over a foot down (prob 13'9"), would it be about the same. or where should i hold and on which pole? what would be good to start at to get used to 15' poles and whih should i move to next (and where to hold, etc.)

also, where does my step go...

thanks for any help.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:28 pm
by vaultguru6
i made that same move in high school. The 150 might even be a little smaller than the 14' 165, but it still will be a good pole to start the series on. Grip on the 15' 150 at the same height as the 14' 165 to start. If you're rolling the pole just fine then you can inch it up a little bit. but don't hold any higher than 14' on the 150. When you're rolling it over well you can also move up a pole. When you go up i'd raise your grip one hand hold and see how the new pole works for you. So pretty much each time you move up a pole, move your grip up 2-3 inches. Of course you can play around with the grip a little but that is the best way to get started.

You shouldn't need to move your step back at all, save the 3 inches you raise your grip on each pole. If you find your self getting really far under, it is probably b/c you are pressing and tensing up thinking you need to run harder to get on the bigger stick. In this case you don't need to move your step back, but rather just relax and run your normal run. Easier said than done though, i know.

Thats a really good place to make the move. I know when I did that i PR'd from 13' to 14'7" in a matter of two weeks. Good luck with it.