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Newbie with Counties Soon

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:23 pm
by highvaultin1703
hey yall!

im a newbie to both pole vaulting and pole vault power. ive been vaulting for a good 9 days now. yes i know im pathetic. but anyway my counties are on monday and i wanted to know if anyone has any tips for grabbing more height. right now i vault 7' pretty consistently at practices. ive hit 7'6 last meet. but coach is pushing me for 8' at least. i have a 13'3 110 pole. ive got good flexibility so my only thing is getting high enough to flex around the bar. any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:19 am
by jhesch
first question: guy or girl? and when you said "ive got good flexibility so my only thing is getting high enough to flex around the bar" im lost. if you're flexible as a person, how bout speed, strength, coordination, etc, and whaty do you mean, flex around the bar? before worrying about bending the pole, technique is more important. how high do you grip? put more specifics and maybe i might be able to give some kinda advice, as im sure others will also be able to.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:32 am
by mcminkz05
well, if youv been vaulting for 9 days, you just need to work on your overall technique, and youll see improvment. after such a short time, im guessing none of your tech is anywhere near perfection, so just work on everything. Focus allot on your plant and your swing. The plant goes with the swing, and the swing, at the point your at, is whatl get you the most height before other parts of your vault develope wiht more practice.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:00 am
by highvaultin1703
first question: guy or girl? and when you said "ive got good flexibility so my only thing is getting high enough to flex around the bar" im lost. if you're flexible as a person, how bout speed, strength, coordination, etc, and whaty do you mean, flex around the bar? before worrying about bending the pole, technique is more important. how high do you grip? put more specifics and maybe i might be able to give some kinda advice, as im sure others will also be able to.

im a girl. ive got the speed, but i dont use it too much at practice because our trainer and vaulters are lazy. my strengths not that great. could be a lot better. and coordination's pretty good. i grip at about 10'6.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:41 pm
by blazerunner121
isnt' pv addicting?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:47 pm
by VaultFreak
9 days... you're doin good! How much do you weigh? stupid question: you probably don't have a shorter pole do you?