When and How to Turn
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:37 pm
OK so I have been vaulting for one season. Recently I have made some strides in driving and swinging and getting inverted. I still have the problem where I swing my legs but then do not swing my hips with it. However the main problem is I do not know how to turn. I used to have a problem with "helicoptering" and everytime I try to turn thats what happens. On good days I can get my knees up to a 13ft bungee. However all my jumps are essentially bigger pop-ups because I have no way to turn and I just end up falling back to the mat in an inverted position, or just un-invert so I land on my feet. What motions or muscles should I use to turn properly. Also at what point in the jump do you turn? is it as the pole unbends, when the pole is finished unbending, or later on in the jump.