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How to get height increase?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:14 pm
by WHSpolevaulter631
I have only been jumping for about 3 weeks and have cleared 9'6'' already. I have moved up two bars, but am still hoping to get high. What can I do to jupm higher? I hope to get 10' by the end of the season. I am bending my 14' 130 pound bar. What are some drills or workouts or techniques to get higher and reach my goal of 10'?

Re: How to get height increase?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:47 pm
by powerplant42
Hey, they're not bars, they're poles... "POLE vaulting"... The BAR is what you VAULT with the POLE. :yes:

Where exactly are you gripping on that 14' 130? The fact that you're bending such a big pole at the moment is actually NOT a good thing (though other vaulters or even your coach may tell you different).

You can find more general information by SEARCHING for it on here than asking a general question like you asked... There are really only two ways to 'get higher'... Get faster/stronger (don't focus on that), and getting more technically proficient!

Re: How to get height increase?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:03 pm
by vault3rb0y
vaulting for 3 weeks, i can tell you the best way to go higher is to work on your run and take off. Make sure you are leaving the ground where you need to.

You might bend the pole, but learn how to jump high and hold high on a stiff pole. The only difference in your jump with a pole that bends a little is that it gives you the chance to hold higher. But be careful, especially at an early stage you can overgrip. I wouldnt hold higher than 10'6" until you jump 10'. It will happen sooner than you think if you do as much stiff pole vaulting as you can.