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Complete Training Programm

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:12 am
by murkinrg
Hi all

Ok I've taken the plunge and i now want to dedicate my entire week/year to the vault.

Can anyone suggest a weekly training program ?

I'm vaulting 3 times a week but I guess i should spend the other days doing sprints,plylometrics & weights.

I love to do a couple of steady 2/3 miles runs and swim & cycle to 'chill out' which I feel is important.

Grateful for any help.


PS. Its funny how you guys in the US still measure your PV record in feet & inches where here in the UK we use metres/centimetres.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:17 pm
by powerplant42
There are some pretty extensive regimines here:

If you look around on here or other places like you can find some simpler ideas.

Also, I would limit your fun runs to about a mile or so, or at least lower frequency. This is because when you run longer distances like 2 or 3 miles you tend to run with a closed stride, which trains a poor vault run... Cycling and swimming are good, try to be explosive during these activities; remember, you want to train quick twitch fibers, not slow twitch (for the most part). Plyometrics are even better, as they specifically target certain muscles and give you a more specialized work out. Good luck!


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:45 am
by murkinrg
thanks dude. Thats really useful


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:34 pm
by marshall
i bought don chu's book on plyometrics about a month ago and i plan to get a regimen together to get in shape for pole vault next year. i really suggest you buy it if you would like to do plyometrics during the summer and you want to understand it better. i think UCLA or cal uses it for their triple jumpers.

the basics of it are pretty simple. you have to do resistance training along with plyo in order to get the best possible results. it will pretty much double the effect of just doing plyometrics:

first 4 weeks:
- 2 days a week plyometrics (low intensity, high volume)
- 3 days a week weight training (70% 1RM squats/front squats/power cleans)

next 4 weeks:
- 3 days a week plyometrics (increase intensity/lower volume)
- 3 days a week weight training (lower load a bit)

next 4 weeks:
- 3 days a week plyometrics (high intensity/low volume)
- 2 days a week weight training (use it as a recovery phase)

next 4 weeks:
- 3 days a week plyometrics (slightly increase intensity/lower volume)
- 2 days a week weight training (again recovery)
low intensity plyos:
- stadium hops
- side to side ankle hops
- jump over cones

medium intensity plyos:
- bounding
- jump over higher barriers (hurdles)
- standing rim touches

high intensity plyos:
- standing triple jump
- standing long jump
- stadium hops + weight vest (10% body weight MAX)
- single leg bounding
- depth jumps

there many more but i was too lazy to list more. ideally you want to get 5 or 6 of these exercises into your plyo workout.
* make sure you are doing the workout correctly:
- when lifting, your movements should be quick and explosive, it shouldn't take you more than a second to pick up the bar on a squat
- when doing plyometrics, the thing to keep in mind is that you want to be on the ground for as short of a time period as possible. as soon as you hit the ground on any drill, especially depth jumps, you want to explode right back up.
* don't overload the workout in the first week, the whole point of it is to get you ready for the stress your muscles will take in the following weeks.

and then you would also need a decent core workout to go along with it. overall i think this would get you ready from the chest down. everything up is just get in the weight room and just do repetitions with about 55%-60% 1RM.


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:54 am
by murkinrg
cheers Marshall thats really usefeul. i'll bear that in mind.

Hows the weather in LA today ? Cold & wet in England today (as usual).

Take it easy

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 1:10 am
by marshall
weather was scorching the past couple of weeks but for some reason it started raining yesterday before city finals. haha