Speed is the #1 factor in bending the pole. Swing and lifting the hips keep it bent.
With that in mind pole vaulters should spend most of their time:
1. Developing speed.
2. Learning to swing.
3. Developing rockback strength.
To learn about sprint mechanics see:
http://www.advantageathletics.com/sprin ... _form.html
You can also find many great sprint drills in there.
To learn more about the swing see:
http://www.advantageathletics.com/polev ... pslam.html
To learn more about developing the strength to rockback see:
http://www.advantageathletics.com/polev ... kback.html
Then there is the pull, turn and push...another subject / another day.
What Bends the Pole?
Moderator: achtungpv
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