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Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 3:47 pm
by ashcraftpv
PVJunkie wrote:Robb Johnston 0 NH NH

Lindsay Johnston 3.05 10' 0" 8

Alyssa Johnston 0 NH NH

Nice to see Robb out vaulting again. The next wave of Johston vaulters are starting to hit the runway. Indiana beware! Lindsay is going to be a soph in HS. I think Alyssa is in 7th or 8th grade, and Robb's boy Kyle is 10 or 11(i think) and he is a terror(I've got so many stories about kyle). Robb's brother Jim(who was my HS vault coach), just had a boy last year, so there are 2 more johnston boys to look out for in the future.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 6:34 pm
by rainbowgirl28
ashcraftpv wrote:
PVJunkie wrote:Robb Johnston 0 NH NH

Lindsay Johnston 3.05 10' 0" 8

Alyssa Johnston 0 NH NH

Nice to see Robb out vaulting again. The next wave of Johston vaulters are starting to hit the runway. Indiana beware! Lindsay is going to be a soph in HS. I think Alyssa is in 7th or 8th grade, and Robb's boy Kyle is 10 or 11(i think) and he is a terror(I've got so many stories about kyle). Robb's brother Jim(who was my HS vault coach), just had a boy last year, so there are 2 more johnston boys to look out for in the future.

He would have jumped higher if he had showed up earlier! I think part of that is my fault... I didn't realize he was jumping, so I sent him back to his car to get waivers for the girls (we were almost out of extra copies) and by the time he got back he didn't get to warm up really. :o

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:07 pm
by PVJunkie
NOT your many times did I highlight, bold, italics etc etc the need to have the waiver in hand to compete.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:01 am
by smokinvaulter1
It turned out to be a pretty good road trip for me I vaulted in 3 states in three days. I should of jumped higher at Indy but oh well still had a great time. Thanks to Byran and the Captain. LOL The gill factory is awesome It was like a toy box for me wish I could play with it all. :yes:

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 1:42 pm
by ashcraftpv
PVJunkie wrote:NOT your many times did I highlight, bold, italics etc etc the need to have the waiver in hand to compete.

typical Johnston behavior. total disregard for the rules and other people.......and people wonder where i get it from :devil:

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:08 pm
by PVJunkie
Ash, maybe you could encourage him to keep his shirt on next yr...........or at least to tan a little beforhand!!! The sun shone so brightly off of his skin we couldnt even see his vault..............No really he just blew away 3 poles and sat down. His daughters are gonna be good!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:14 pm
by smokinvaulter1
Hey becca where are those pics at? Cheerleading is Life!!!!!!!! LOL
The Captian was awesome he made the whole night fun till everyone passed out.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:37 pm
by vaultin chris
sonds like i missed out on somegood times

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 4:03 pm
by PVJunkie
Becca wont bring it up BUT when we got back from closing down the pool hall we caught Bobby, Jeremy and Vadim all in the whirlpool tube (in Mikes room) together..........................yes they had shorts on but it was still funny, oh yea and the capt was sittin there too.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:06 pm
by vaultin chris
actually im glad i missed that

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:09 pm
by smokinvaulter1
The Captian Vaults on Carbons ;) The ladies had just left when the got there. So you missed all the fun. :yes:

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:35 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Give me a few weeks on the road trip and Indy pictures. They are ALL on my laptop, so getting them on this computer is a pain. I just started classes and I am still working on unpacking and getting furniture. I am still sleeping in my closet :crying:

Jeremy - Cheerleading IS life :P And I hope I got a decent mullet picture in there.

Chris - I told you you were missing out :P

Bryan - I mentioned the whirlpool in my journal, but I left the Captain out of the picture ;)