Thull jumps 15' 7 1/8"

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Thull jumps 15' 7 1/8"

Unread postby Russ » Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:29 am

Jordan Thull of East Lyme High School (East Lyme, CT) vaulted 15' 7 1/8" Tuesday night, Dec. 13, at Wesleyean University in Middletown, CT. Thull opened at 13'6, and then jumped 14'2" and 14'8, before going for a PR at 15'7". We measured the bar with a laser (that's how we found out about the extra 1/8"). He took three solid attempts at 16'1 but couldn't quite manage the height.

A good beginning of the indoor season for the East Lyme senior!

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