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tigerbar sports

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:54 am
by tony
I would like your input on a real life pv circuit here in the US.


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:41 pm
by vaultmd
Hi Tony,

Welcome to!

I think everyone is interested in a circuit. Past efforts have been stymied by a lack of sponsorship money. I think ours at Rio Vista had one of the largest, if not the largest, amount of prize money last year.


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:21 pm
by lonestar
Lon Badeaux attempted to put together more of a midwest/east coast circuit 2 years ago with meets in Arkansas, Texas, Indianapolis, Florida, and North Carolina focused more on emerging elites, but with a new baby and now a head coaching position, he doesn't have time to mess with it. NAPVA is all west coast and too expensive for most of the emerging guys on this side of the country to travel to. Like Wilson said though, the bottom line is sponsorship money. I've had several elites express interest in coming to my event, the San Marcos River Vault, provided I could pick up their travel and lodging expenses and provide a reasonable amount of prize money, but it's a whole lot of work and solicitation for something in which I'm lucky to break even on.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:26 pm
by rainbowgirl28
The prize money is slowly building, but right now there is still not enough money for most of the emerging elite athletes to even cover their travel expenses to attend enough summer meets to make up a decent circuit.

pole vault circuit

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:28 pm
by tony
First let me say I was not blessed with the ability to pole vault, But I know a good business idea when I see it. Too long have field athletes made too little money and gotten too little support. The principles of micro economics must be applied. It will take the support of the whole pole vaulting community to make it work. We will need to change the paradigm of the support of the sport to make it successful. If long jumping dogs can be a staple of ESPN why not extreme athlete jumping 2 and 1/2 stories. It make no sense to me that the attempts have ended so quickly. It will take 5 years to make it successful financially and 10 years to make it something where others will see how special it is. It will take media training for the athletes. Strategic sponsorship of the events. A growing purse and support from every pole vaulter in the land. There in lies the problem, How do competitor become allies. How can the positive voice be heard above the negative ones. Hard to do. It is easier to set on the sidelines and point out what should have been done rather that stepping up to the plate. help me to help you


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:55 pm
by achtungpv
If a circuit is going to be economically feasible for the elite/emerging elite athletes from across the country to travel to, you will have to provide at each event a prize pot of at least $10,000 between the men & women. The token $1K-2K prize pots that exist now make a competition difficult to commit to if you are already working a job to support your vaulting, have to spend hundreds to cover travel, and still have a chance of walking away with no prize money. Add in another $500 travel/lodging for each elite (16 total) and you need another $8,000. Just to cover $18,000 (not including other costs), you'd need 720 vaulters paying $25 each to jump in the other divisions. That's just not possible. Try and raise local sponsorships to cover that amount. That's a full-time job by itself. This would probably be harder than finding 720 vaulters to pay $25.

Unless someone with DEEP pockets steps in and sets up an endowment for a vault circuit, it'll be difficult to fix the situation.

pole vault circuit

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:42 pm
by tony
I appreciate the information and the response points to a mind set that will keep it from success. We cannot expect or deserve anything we cannot earn. We have to demonstrate that pole vault is a commercially viable project. It cannot exist on a charitable basis. We have to give the sponsorship and the viewer something they want. Why should someone who doesn't love the sport take their time and watch it. When the people who love and understand the sport don't. The concept of micro economic is lost here,


Re: pole vault circuit

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:52 pm
by rainbowgirl28
tony wrote:I appreciate the information and the response points to a mind set that will keep it from success.

I think that almost everyone here would like to see a circuit succeed and there are many who are willing to donate their time and money. Many here HAVE donated countless hours and dollars to try and put on successful meets and support emerging elite athletes.

We are simply pointing out the things that a good business plan will have to address. There are limited number of athletes who have completed collegiate eligibility, have the desire to continue training and competing seriously, have the flexibility with work to be able to travel to meets, are jumping high enough to be interesting and have the personality to draw in the crowd.

Perhaps starting with several smaller circuits is the way to go. California, Pacific NW, Texas/OK/AR, etc. The pole vault community is many years away from being able to fund a nationwide circuit and one that would keep athletes from going to Europe.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:10 pm
by tony
Great feed back

liberty vaulting

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:11 pm
by Vault Chick
Well Tony,

If you want to start small, Ambrose and I just finished with our indoor runway, and we're planning on having some indoor competitions in our school gym in December! We've already talked to Tye, and he's already said he's interested!! Just an idea! -Ashley

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:41 pm
by tony
Good feed back and we are always interested in any event that promotes the sport. How about the Corn Feast in Brentwood. Great turn out might get shea to sponsor. Ask John if he is up for it.

Corn Fest

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:11 am
by Vault Chick
Yes, actually Ambrose and I are already starting to plan out a couple-day Streetvault at the Cornfest for next summer!!!!