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Beach Vault sham

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:25 pm
by Righteous Vaulter
I just found out that the beach vault tour in South Africa was called off because the guys who set it up ran off with all the sponsors money. All the competitors got screwed and are there for nothing now. This is terrible to say the least.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:31 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Seriously?! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:34 pm
by smokinvaulter1
yeah daniel and pual flew over and are on there way back with no travel$$$ sucks :no:

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:36 pm
by Righteous Vaulter
My coach, Dave Nielsen, just got an email from Paul Litchfield, saying it was all a hoax and that the competition isn't going to happen.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:53 pm
by Carolina21
Man that's just wrong.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:12 am
by skyshark177
Well, guess we won't be seeing another vaulting competition in South Africa ever again.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:33 am
by saraf

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:09 am
by banda_b_c
Holy crap that sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:26 pm
by sam-o-
Man!! That stinks for them. :no:

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:04 pm
by VaultNinja
Heres what happend....
We went down there, got picked up and taken to a sweet hotel, waited around for a couple of days and found out that the main sponsor pulled out of his $80,000 USD contract, the meet director now has to sue him. Then in an effort to save the event He then went to the event managment company to get his portion of the money back (about $10,000 USD) to salvage the meets. The event managment company claimed that they didn't have his money, and it didn't show anywhere in there books. He is now sueing them as well, and will be involved in this battle for sometime. Further investigation has already shown that the main sponsor and the event management company were involved in plotting this out, and are involved in other cases as well.

The Meet director is an amazing person. He really got screwed worse than anyone, so please don't think it was his fault. He is the one who is the real victum of the scam.
He offered to pay for us to stay there in a guest house, and train at the local university where we were, as well as pay for our meals. Or he would change our flight and send us home. I chose to stay and train in the 90 degree weather and take advantage of the opportunity to experience new culture, make new friends, and pick up some new vault tips along the way. It turned out to be a great experience but also a great disapointment. I will return to South Africa someday, under different terms.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:49 pm
by polevaulter08nw
well thats good to hear how you guys turned it a round, but that is just horrible, and new for me to hear about the polevault! never thought anything like this would happen!