US Pole Vault Circuit

News about Elite US pole vaulters and elite competitions that occur on US soil.

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Unread postby hallvaulter » Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:38 pm

i just read through this, and this is very exciting. How cool it would be if all this really pans out, it might even allow people to continue who are between college and elite
Coach Bob Phillips

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Unread postby 30yrs-coaching » Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:28 pm

tony, i must compliment the effort, i hope it goes big.. some outside advice! 1-you must get the big guns involved... right now the big draws are walker and stuczinski.these two draw the most attention and would bring validity to the tour.people want to see the best america has.
2-money.. getting most vaulters will not be tough but the top 2 or 3 will require money.
3-olympic year is tough because the top vaulters with legit shots will have schedule conflict.
4-will these events be usatf sanctioned which is necssary to attempt and set records which is the only way to get the vary best to jump along with drug testing.
5-how do we draw a walker or stuczinski away from the biggest meets in the world in eruope where appearence fees are big and world ranking points are shoe contracts pay big bonuses for gl and sgp meets.
6-i think if you can get these two in along with hartwig(us record holder) and dragelia it could go.but good luck dealing with the agents and shoe companies.
I really would like to see it happen and the best of luck could you imagine an american or world record set in one of these meets,that would fire it of,just make sure it is a level runway,standard pegs and certified by usatf.

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Unread postby tony » Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:51 pm


We have had our second discussion with TV and we are moving closer to a deal. What I am looking for now is sponsors for the individual vaulters. If you have any suggestion please post them. If you have any contacts and would like for me to follow up with them please post.


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Unread postby tony » Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:04 pm

Coach thank you for your input all good questions.
1. we have gather a field of 32 top males and females which includes all of the vaulters you mentioned by name plus the best of the rest.
2. We will limit the street meets to 6 this year and compete from April to the Nationals. We will also avoid larger meet like Melrose, Drake, Penn, Modesto, Carson and the Visa meets.
3. Those that need to go to Europe can and should go but we represent a financial alternative.
4. Since we have 16 a side and will only compete with 8 aside I think there is build in flexibility.
5. For those who don't qualify for the Olympic team we intent to support all of the street meet in the summer to the best of our abilities.


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Unread postby tony » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:30 pm

Thank you for attending the phone conference. Two very important things happened as a result. Our NASCAR friend is setting up meeting with some of his sponsors and the TV people thought you were well spoken. How cool is that.


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Unread postby KLocke » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:16 pm

My experience is that a competition has to pay TV unless it's underwritten by a "sponsor". Give the TV money to the athletes and forget the TV.

Take "baby steps". Six competitons is quite ambitious during the Olympic year without "real money". I think you will kill the future of the event if cannot see the "big picture'.

my .02

tony wrote:Update

We have had our second discussion with TV and we are moving closer to a deal. What I am looking for now is sponsors for the individual vaulters. If you have any suggestion please post them. If you have any contacts and would like for me to follow up with them please post.


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Unread postby tony » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:22 pm

Thank you for the feed back.

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