A forum to discuss pole vaulting or anything else relating to Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas
Ok, so i had a bunch of big meets i was gonna jump in here in michigan (usatf regions, aau regions, ford invitational, grand haven beach vault, etc..) and i just found out im gonna miss ALL of them, because im gonna be stuck in Florida for most of July. so instead of having my summer ruined i was gonna try to find a few meets down in Florida that i coudl jump in, so if anybody knows of any, or where i can find out, please let me know!
wherever i guess.. well maybe itd have to be a fairly close drive, though im not sure exactely where im gonna be. All i know is that its some island on the southeast part of florida, ill try and find out exactley where.
C-townvault wrote:Do you have any information on the michigan meets. i'm an ohio vaulter looking for some meets to compete in.
heh, yeah i had a few big meets i was gonna jump in before i found out i was gonna leave so pm me and ill give you the info on what iv got, most of em are around where i live in ann arbor, and its not very far from ohio.