USATF Meet - Aug 23rd

A forum to discuss pole vaulting or anything else relating to Texas

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USATF Meet - Aug 23rd

Unread postby ras » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:27 am

From event organizer email:

Still time to enter the USATF South Texas OPEN Championships. All ages welcome at this one. Don't have to be a USATF member, though we have some lower fees for you if you are. Remember, there is no day of meet registration, so go to this link and sign up and do it before Wednesday night to avoid late entry fees:

Also, for safety reasons, we are moving the THROWING EVENTS ONLY to McNeil High School in North Austin. Most of the throwers know where it is. There is a Mapquest link for it on the website above info page. Also a MapQuest for St Michaels. Again, only throwing events will be held at McNeil. Same start time, 8AM. I will be sending out the final flight schedule Thursday, once I have all the registrations.
Racewalk clinic: Ever wondered about racewalking, maybe giving it a try but not sure how it's done? Free racewalk clinic at 7:30 AM the morning of the meet. If interested, please let me know so I can give the instructor a head count.
One last thing. If you have a friend who is bored and wants something to do, bring him/her along. We are a little short of volunteers, especially at the throwing events at McNeil.

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