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Provided by: Gray Cook and Lee Burton
July 29-30. 2005 held in Los Angeles, CA
July 30-31. 2005 held in Tempe, AZ
December 2-3, 2005 held in Tempe, AZ
December 3-4. 2005 held in Los Angeles, CA
Early Registration (2 week prior) $400.00 (includes test kit and video)
Late Registration (2 weeks or less) $450.00 (includes test kit and video)
Registration and Location Information:
Call Jaclyn Wynn at Athletes' Performance 480-449-9000 x.107
Benefits of the Core Training System:
Improves functional and athletic performance
Helps to reduce the potential for training and sports injuries
Provides a simple grading system to assess athlete/client movement
Can be easily utilized in both the athletic/sports medicine and general fitness professionals
Identifies physical imbalances or weaknesses
Rehabilitates imbalances and strengthens weaknesses with simple corrective exercises
Allow trainers to better individualize training programs for greater athlete/client results
Teaches the trainer and athlete/client to Identify the difference between movement quality and movement quantity.
Allows athletic trainers, strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and physical therapists to identify current injury trends and stats as they relate to the prevention of non-contact injuries.
Allows trainers to Identify potential cause and effect relationships of mirco-trauma as well chronic injuries in relation to movement asymmetries.
Tentative Outline for Core Training Systems Workshop*:
8:00 - 8:15 Welcome / Introduction
8:15 - 9:15 Philosophy of Functional Movement Screening and Evaluation
9:15 - 10:00 Reactive Neuromuscular Training and Core Training
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Scoring the Seven Tests
Discussion and Background of Each Test
Demonstration of Each Test
Description of Testing procedure
12:00 - 1:00 Break for Lunch
1:00 - 3:00 Lab- Scoring Check-Off/Analysis/Collecting Data
Group Interaction with Everyone Performing Tests
Groups Discussing Scores and Determining their Individual Weaknesses
3:00 - 4:30 Interpreting the Scores
Discussion of Case Study from each group
Linking Scores to Weak Links and Asymmetries
8:30 - 9:30 Exercise Philosophy and Background
Description of RNT
Discussion of Exercise Progressions
Linking RFMS Scores to Exercise Progressions
9:30 - 9:45 Break
9:45 - 11:30 Lab- Break into Groups and Perform Exercise Progression
Review Each RFMS Test
Link RFMS Scores of Each Test to Exercise Progressions
Partner Stretches, Self- Stretches and Core Training
11:30 - 12:30 Break
12:30 - 1:30 Case Studies/Question and Answer Session
Problem Solving and Exercise Recommendations for Specific Scores
Discussion of Exercise Progressions and Scores
Describing Data Collection and On-going Research
Question and Answer
* Schedule subject to change
GREY COOK SEMINAR/ dec 2nd weekend Los angeles
Moderators: vaultmd, bjvando, bvpv07
GREY COOK SEMINAR/ dec 2nd weekend Los angeles
"If your not the Lead Dog, The view never changes"
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