Unread postby fchipr » Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:17 am
You obviously missed this summer,as I was with Tim during things this last yr.
Look at more than a single data point on PV results. Tim's exclusive access to elite european PVrs, and his depth of knowledge in sprint mechanics on top of his progressive learning approach to the vault and his extensive use of ropes and high bars is very thorough. It is all matched up with drills and weightlifting that lay right into the actual vault mechanics one sees and should feel during runs,takeoffs, swings, trail legs, rockbacks,Bubkas etc.
Training for the vault is far closer to year round than not. Be ready to work hard and LISTEN.
Oh, he is always less expensive than the high dollar folks out there who run a zillion kids thru their camps. You will work with Tim constantly. He is running an 8 week sprint camp now (going in week 3) out of Notre Dame HS in Sherman Oaks on Tues or wed nites at 5PM. Your likely in need of sprint mechanics improvements as about 99% of HS vaulters are.
Go emerse yourself in his website and call him. Get workin and join us in RENO in Jan. Good Vaulting!!
Coach Chip