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Training for Speed

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:41 pm
by martyp
M52 with 2 years masters experience. I've gotten to the point where the weakest link in my jump is speed. I've done a fair amount of sprinting with ankle weights, weighted sled, etc. but my run doesn't seem to be getting faster or stronger. I'm considering hill training next (up and down). Suggestions?

Re: Training for Speed

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:01 pm
by Vaultingman
At 52 yrs young it is all about maintaining what you have and staying injury free.
Flexibility is important so stretch lots, quality not quantity is the key.
If you are well conditioned and stretching most sessions, over speed training could help. The slope you run down should not be too steep, no more than 5 degrees same with up hill, you want to be able to run close to normal what ever that is?
Remember speed work is Short distances for no more than 5 seconds I think with plenty of rest.
Most speed improvements come from good form (mechanics) so I would reccommend having a coach look at you running.
Make sure you are not over striding when vaulting as this kills the speed and makes the vault less dynamic.
Hope this helps!