Poles not provided at world masters in France

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Poles not provided at world masters in France

Unread postby TrackCEO » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:28 am

Hi, all

Phil Raschker sends this cautionary note:

Keine Stabhochsprungstäbe in Clermont-Ferrand
Wie das Organisationskomitee der 3. Senioren-Hallen-Weltmeisterschaften (17. bis 22. März) mitteilt, werden vom Veranstalter in Clermont-Ferrand keine Stabhochsprungstäbe gestellt.

Keine Stäbe in Clermont-Ferrand (Foto: Flucke)

Die Athletinnen und Athleten müssen daher ihre eigenen Stäbe mitbringen.

Wir bitten diese Informationen auch denjenigen Aktiven weiterzuleiten, die keinen Internet-Anschluß haben. Die Athleten-Info wird in Kürze erscheinen.

Just received this information from Switzerland.

What is says: WMA Clermont-Ferrand will NOT provide vaulting poles and everybody will need to bring their own or make arrangements with friends/acquaintances.

Additionally they are requesting that we spread the word, especially to those that do not have Internet.

Would seem, that USATF should go through their list of athletes that have signed up for the vault and notify them.


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Unread postby master » Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:30 am

I believe this information was provided from the beginning of the pages on the website. I've only been doing masters vaulting for about 5 years, but in that time I don't know of any meet where poles were provided. Of course I haven't attended all meets either :(

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