If you are planning on competing at the National Senior Olympics in July, there are a couple of dates you need to know about. First one is the Limited event varification form. That was due on the 31st of December. What is it? Well in Minnesota our Senior games didn't have pole vault, so I was able to qualify at our state's USATF championships. Now I didn't know it was suppose to be in till yesterday and Greg Moore at NSGA allowed me to send my varification in via e-mail. Entries still have to be post marked and mailed to the New Orleans P.O. box by Feb 15th. More info can be found at; http://www.2007seniorgames.com/athletes.html
Rules are at; http://www.nsga.com/pdffiles/LimitedEventInstr.pdf
If you're going in July, you've got to get on it now.
12/31, 2/1 and 2/15, Deadlines for Senior Olympic Entries
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