W60 Nadine O'Connor's latest WR

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W60 Nadine O'Connor's latest WR

Unread postby TrackCEO » Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:30 am

Nadine jumped 3.12 (10-2 3/4) Saturday at the USATF Western Regional Masters Championships in Long Beach, California, raising her own W60 world record by a bit.

This came on a day when temps reached 103 (in the shade) in that city. A week earlier, Nadine set a WR in the women's decathlon -- scoring 8,466 points in Seattle at the USA masters nationals for deca/hep.

Bud Held points out: "That is the second best all time score of any masters athlete. It is second only to Olympian Kip Janvrin's M40 world record of 8,614."

Whatta gal.

Ken Stone

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:47 am

She's got more in the tank in both the dec and the PV. She could easily be an 11' vaulter right now with more coaching and practice time. She is a STUD.

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