All things masters pole vaulting.

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Unread postby 2-15-46 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:55 pm

OK all you may times canya go up the runway before you start geeting weak??? who has the longest approach???

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Unread postby souleman » Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:01 pm

Well Bob? Ya see it's like this......Where you are in your comeback you may only get 6 to 8 in after you do your warm ups, run ups and pop ups. I know it doesn't sound like much but that IS about it for now. You only want to jump twice a week at most. The thing is, is that 60% deal that Bubba and I have always talked about. After the snow flys and you get back into the gym 3 days a week, next year will be much better. On a good day I can (and usually do) get off the ground anywhere from 20 to 30 times. Last year there would have been no way I could have even got that close. For me it was 6 to 8 full out jumps before I was gassed and facing an injury. So, be patient and smart. Realize, especially during competition, that you're not only competing against other guys, and your own PR but the toughest competitor you'll face is your own body. You have to think and plan everything you do in the vault and that includes planning ahead for when your body gives up on a certain day and says "no more". Once it says that, it means it....."no more". When you don't listen and jump anyway that's when hams get pulled and sore, groins get sore, and lower abs get sore.....and or hurt. Sound familiar? You're doing fine. Later............Mike

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