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is it to late to start

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:58 pm
by flying monky
im new here so hello all

my situtation is im a junior in college and i just picked up the polevault last summer but i dont have a coach. (i was a long jumper before)
i managed to jump 15 feet inside this year but i still get my butt kicked all the time
oh and im really having a hard time adjusting to jumping outside ive only jumped 14 ft.
i dont expect to jump anything spectacular while im in college.
but im not ready to quit yet cause i kinda like it.

is it possible that i could jump some decent heights while im in school or even after i graduate or is it to late?

thanx for you reply

monky's do fly

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:03 pm
by uconnvaulta
read up on stacy dragilla, its never too late, if you have fun why not go out and have fun, your only young once, and as you get older you might regret it , so why not go out and have a blast

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:08 am
by patybobady
go for it! i did distance all of high school and decided to vault the last few weeks of track. now in college in only do the vault, and have abest of 13'9". just keep vaulting and watch tape and just stay'll get back in the 15's soon.