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Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 12:33 pm
by TreyDECA
achtungpv wrote:Cause TxSt actually allows the guys to socialize with the gals. :yes:

Seriously though, Longhorns make good employees...used to have 9 of them working for me for about half my salary.

haha, yeah, but it's more the other way around, bev's pretty stingy with her girls...

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 7:08 pm
by achtungpv
TreyDECA wrote:haha, yeah, but it's more the other way around, bev's pretty stingy with her girls...

Always heard some of the animosity was because Bubba was jealous of Bev's office. The rumor was that he asked why he had a smaller one than her, and the reply was "well Bubba, win a couple of NCAA team titles and you can get a large office too."

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 3:25 pm
by TreyDECA
achtungpv wrote:
TreyDECA wrote:haha, yeah, but it's more the other way around, bev's pretty stingy with her girls...

Always heard some of the animosity was because Bubba was jealous of Bev's office. The rumor was that he asked why he had a smaller one than her, and the reply was "well Bubba, win a couple of NCAA team titles and you can get a large office too."

hmm... not sure bout that one, bubba's not a very jealous person, he just takes care of his business and stays out of hers.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:46 pm
by polevaultdad
Great topic, since I am a Dad. After year one my daughter found all of her reasons for choosing her school had not changed. But some new data got added. She and we learned a lot.

Travel - She missed 11 of 17 Fridays (tough on classes)
Meets - Find out where they are. She traveled 6K miles on vans/buses and 12k miles on planes.
Seasons - Indoor and outdoor make for a lone "season"
School - If you do well, you will be at school after everyone else leaves - so your friends wil be gone. League meets, regionals and nationals are after school is out.
Weather - What can you deal with when not "in season"? What is it like during the outdoor season -affects your performance?

As for improvement, there were some great performance this year. Shayla Balentine at SDSU was a 13-6 vaulter in high school, and just this year (senior) hit hi 13 low 14 footer regularly. It is not the one jump but the consistant heighth that is a measure of improvement.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:36 pm
by vaultmd
blakedow wrote:I'm going to have to say that Texas State is one of the best schools to jump at... Great coach... Great facilities.... Great Weather... oh yeah, and there is a river that is 72 degrees year-round five minutes walking distance away...

Not to mention the outlet malls nearby . . .

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:11 am
by jp1667
I remember UNC Chapel Hill having a decent vaulting crew back in early 90s with Coach Dennis Craddock. They had about 4-5 vaulters over 18' - one of them I knew was a walk-on who only heighted 12-6 in HS near me and then progressed to 18'+ by their Jr college years.

And I'm sure their track facilities are still pretty impressive too with the baby blue runway =)


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:09 pm
by PVPRO121
Are you guys kidding?? Has no body mentioned BYU. BYU is the best overall school for pole vault. A couple 18'+ guys, and many 17'9"+ jumpers also. 2 National Champions in the last 5 years. Wins conference almost every year in PV (Hansen, Pratt, Powell, ect.) Many awsome upcoming Vaulters. How can you not look at BYU. coach Larry Berryhill is one of the most known coaches when it comes to Pole Vault. BYU has great facilities, great D-1 school. What more could you want.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:23 pm
by bjvando
just a thought, and no offense meant, but how many vaulters at BYU aren't mormon?

how attractive of a school would it be for a non-mormon...?

no doubt they have an amazing program for the vault at BYU though, their statistics speak for themselves..

i know i'm asking some possibly touchy questions but i went for it, i respect all relgions and mean no offense to anyone...

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:23 pm
by SlickVT
And the two extra years for the Mormon mission never hurt anyone either...
You would almost have to expect bigger things from a squad of vaulters between 23-25 years old...

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:53 pm
by MightyMouse
Syracuse is my number 1 choice right now for schools (im a rising senior). Does any one know anything about Enoch Borozinski and his PV program? Thanks

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:16 am
by PV Knox
While being recruited one coach told me some good information, never go to a school because of a coach, because there is a chance that that coach could leave. This has happened to my friends at other universities. I look at academics since I goto clemson (major engineering school). Program quality is a little more important than prestige.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:37 pm
by VaultMarq26
that is some good advice