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Pole for sale or trade

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:31 pm
by Fly
Hey all. I have a ESSX 14'3" 180.4 lb pole that I bought before the start of last season. I ended up not being able to get on that big of a pole and used a school pole for the whole season. The ESSX has been planted maybe ~10 times and the only scratches on it are a few from taking it out of it's PVC tube otherwise mint.

I'm looking to get a 180lb 13'7" essx so if anyone has one they want to trade up for or if anyone wants to make an offer on the 14 footer give me a holler at and I'll send some pics your way.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:50 pm
by Fly
Forgot to add that if you are between Erie PA and Maine I might be able to deliver for free if anyone buys it in the next 2 weeks... Easter break coming up so I'm making the trip either way.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:20 am
by RCBvault
How much are you thinking you want for the 14' ESSX, cashwise?