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Long Jump and Pole Vault

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 12:20 am
by VaultinFool
I pole vault and sometimes I long jump (which unfortunately led to my season-ending injury). Anyway, I really think I have potential to long jump pretty far if I learn how to land. How many of you long jump and pole vault? After breaking my foot long jumping, I started hearing horror stories of people hurting their hip flexors or rolling/spraining ankles and I am worried that I will get hurt again long jumping. Do you think that it's safe to long jump and pole vault?

On an entirely different note, is there a certain height that can guarantee me admission to usc or ucla? Not get me a scholarship, but guarantee me that if I agree to vault for them, then I will get into the school. Thanks.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 12:34 am
by CHC04Vault
A number of problems with landing consists of 2 thing. Poor sand quality (most high schools have poor sand, they just groom it and dont bother puttin saw dust or diffrent kinds of sand) and slamming your feet into the sand when u land. As for the pit, you jump in it, its your job to take care of it, groom it, and try to get some (ALOT of saw dust and put it in there if its too hard and clumpy). With the stomping your legs...dont. I really dont know how to tell u not to, so ask your coach. If u wanna see some1 who has poor techique look at Marion Jones.

As for the USC/UCLA, good luck with both of them. I carried a 3.9, 1300, went to a very good private school and i got wait listed. If your atheletics are that awsome, then go for it, but try the hard way, but u have a advantage over me, you still live in cali, while i live cross country and wanna come back.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 1:39 am
by ashcraftpv
make sure you apply early. If the track team wants you there, they'll get you in.......

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 2:07 am
by VaultinFool
Thanks. To CHC04Vault, the sand was really bad where I was jumping. I think that if I learn how to land, then I won't ever land the way that I did when I broke my foot. Basically, I did both the two things you said with landing problems. I slammed my feet down into bad sand. I don't know, I think I'll talk to my coach and see what he says. Whatever I choose, I definitely have time to think about it.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 9:10 pm
by barhopper97
i long jump and pv 2; :idea: remember there's just as good of chance to get hurt in pv as there is in long jump; i also do gymnastics so i kno how injuries go; they suck but dont stop doing something just cuz ur afraid of getting hurt

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 8:19 am
by Caseman33
definatly. long jumping is great cross training for the vault. if you get the right pikes you shouldnt break you foot again, and its hard to roll you ankle on the landing. long jumping also correlates to how high you can jump, so its a great way to practice your takeoff and being upright.

with a proper warmup, the correct spikes, and a safe sand pit should keep you from making any injurys jumping

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 4:00 pm
by *TigerVault*
ya i did a bit of long jumping this season , since our main jumper hurt her knee. so we didnt really know how id do but i actually placed at an invite the first time i did it. i kept placing but the main jumper came back and took over and so next year theyll need another jumper so im gonna do it, but when i jump i land rough and i hit so hard it liek jams my back. i think if i work at it ill get pretty good but i just dont want it to take focus away from vaulting and i dont want to get injured.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:09 pm
by VaultinFool
That sounds good. I still have a lot of time to think about it during my recovery. I think I'll at least learn how to land and then see if I still want to do it.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:54 pm
by PCHSpolevaulter16
I long jump and polevault!!! they are the most fun events in track!! but yeah long jump puts a whole bunch of stress on the inner ankle of my plant foot :-\

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:26 pm
by HcVaulter
I pole vault, long jump and high jump... PV is 14'6.. LJ 18'6 and HJ 5'9

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:55 pm
by pcCMC8905
My coach always say that pole vault is just long jump with a pole. But i suck at long jump. i long jumped once a year ago and i got an embarassing 15-6 :o . but i vault 12-6 in meets and 15 in practice. I'm a sophomore and i;m really good at pole vault for my age but i really suck a long jump.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:24 pm
by hallvaulter
i think long jump and pole vault are both really fun, but with it you just need to be careful in how you go about it. just be safe and have a coach show you the right way to do stuff and you should be fine

in my opinion though, i would probably stay away from long jumping if you were more serious about vault, because to vault right and well, it helps to not be hurt