Two of these three athletes almost got hurt, and it was obvious that they were there only for possible team points.
I looked at the states' rules and some have the requirement others do not. I admire that your trying to bring a reform, I hate it that the head coach is only concerned about points and two of our athletes almost got injured. To me, this is unacceptable as well as unethical. As vaulters, coaches and officials isn't it our job to withhold the integrity of our sport and focus on the number one priority: making sure the vaulter lands safely in the pit. I believe that all pole vault coaches and schools that provide vaulting should get their PVSCB certification and recommend it to head coaches as well. Also, from experience, I believe officials should have the ability to pull a competitor from the meet if they are not vaulting safely (making the PLZ, landing to close to the standards etc.) because that has been my biggest concern.
Last meet, I was working the Men's pole vault district championships and our head coach made one of our athletes start at a height he wasn't comfortable with on a pole he had not been practicing on. What happened? He almost hit the standards and was landing way to close inside the pit. The coaches I have worked well with have always focused on safety first as well as increasing their coaching education. No matter how high they vaulted, they didn't let them stop from learning more and staying educated.
Another athlete has only vaulted maybe three times. Ironically, he's vaulted in more meets than ever in practice because he keeps his pole here at our school. His brother was a state vaulter and has a 14' 180 lb pole, and he felt compelled to use a 6R (I don't know what it is about my county and righted handed guys wanting to jump off their right foot!) holding at the top of the pole. He, of course, could not safely make it into the pit.
Frankly, I have been very disappointed in the coaching ethics in my county lately. Something NEEDS to change. Best of luck talking to your athletic association!