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Crazy gymnasts

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:11 am
by Peepers PV
Were you ever a gymnast? If you were, then how long did you do gymnastics for?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:26 am
by fong520
nope.. i wanted to do it though. at first cause i tried breakdancing and alot of moves came from that. and well now because of pv... i would do it if we had it at our school but we dont

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:41 am
by rebelvaulter
Yep I was a gymnast. I started when I was 5 and quit the very beginning of my freshman year. I finally realized that I was too tall for gymnastics and I wasn't getting any better because of it. A year and a half later I started pole vaulting and now my height is actually an advantage :yes:

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:13 pm
by Crazytrackbabe06
No, I wasn't a gymnast, but I may take a few classes...seems like fun!


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:13 am
by BritDawg118
I was a gymnast for 13 has really helped me with vaulting!!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:22 am
by vaulterpunk
our vaulters train in our coaches gymnastics gym twice a week

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:45 pm
by saraf
were you ever a gymnast peepers?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:50 pm
by Peepers PV
haha for 3 whole months I was! But then I moved and no gym in town was accepting new kids :crying:.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:18 pm
by Aviendha
yep, for 8 years....started when i was seven, quit at the end of the season when i was 2 years ago....oddly enough, i can do some gymnastics stuff better now than i could when i was IN an aerial cartwheel (thats a cartwheel w/o hands for the gymnastics-illiterate :P )...could barely do that when i was required to (7th year of gymnastics), on that bouncy spring floor, and now i can do one on a high school gym floor (which does have a tiny bit of spring to it, but it might as well be concrete compared to a gymnastics floor)...go figure *shrug*

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:18 pm
by VTechVaulter
no, but now in college we train twice a week in the gymnastics room. Lots of high bar drills, rings, ropes, and then we play around on the tramps and stuff. its good fun, but im always sore as crap the next day

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:04 pm
by dakota_vaulter
I don't do gymnastics, mainly because i'm way to busy with school since i'm a freshman in high school. I'm also in track and in rodeo. I live 2 hours away from the nearest gymnastics gym. I live in a town of 400 people so our polevault system is kinda bad. Basically if you want to polevault you teach your self. I made it to state last year in South Dakota class "b". I cleared 8ft. as an 8th grader. Sometimes our coach will watch us vault but usually he's outside with the other track kids, so we dont' get any special attention.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 12:45 am
by tim hutzley
I havent ever been but my mom was like a state champion gymnast. She says Im too tall to be one but I still want to do it.