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2007 IAAF World Youth Championships

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:15 pm
by DecaRag
Why are there no pole vaulters listed on the 2007 IAAF World Youth Championships team roster?

Anyone know?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 7:01 am
by nitro
i dont think anyone met qualifiying

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:58 am
by slowest5.50
I tried to get Corey Shank into this meet and spoke with everyone involved including the head coach and grass root development contact. :mad: There were three criteria to meet in order to compete. 1) Age ('90,'91,'92) Corey was 1990, 2) Meet the standard (4.50 / 14' 9") Corey has gone 16'9", 3) compete in the USA Youth Meet in 2006, the USATF Junior Olympic Championships, or USATF Jr. Nationals. Corey was entered in all three of these meets and we paid entry but his fractured L5 prevented him from competing. After discussion with everyone I could e-mail they declined us the opportunity to compete because he didn’t jump in any of these meets. :no:

I though Gray Horn 15’3â€Â