Who coached histories top HS vaulters?

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Re: Who coached histories top HS vaulters?

Unread postby Tristanhamcoldspring » Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:46 am

Joe Hester is the best ever. I work with him now and ever since I've stared working with him I've become a way better vaulter than I ever had imagined I would be. In 7th grade I only jumped 6". In a year and a half he got me jumping 13"3. Lets not forget all the state championships he's one. Plus all the great vaulters he's coached such as Jacob Davis, Eric Eshbach, Jonathan Henley, and Wayne Gidrey(I know that's not how you spell it).

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Re: Who coached histories top HS vaulters?

Unread postby CowtownPV » Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:35 pm

David Markert, Joe Hester, and David Butler are guys that did it coaching kids that went to their schools and have shown over and over they can get the job done. Not taking away from club coaches, many have done a great job for many kids, but they do have the advantage of coaching kids from a large area. Some of the greatest hs coaches out there may never be fortunate enough to work with the great athlete who can jump 17' but consistently produce kids jumping 13' to 14' every year.
That being said club coaches like George Rodriquez, Jake Chapman, Chris Allison and Hal Theodore do a great job and produce outstanding kids every year.
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Re: Who coached histories top HS vaulters?

Unread postby saylmj22 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:48 am

Tom Hale from Hickory High School in PA. Coached 2 back to back National High School Champs in Andrew Rademaker (16'8") and Eric Sparks (16+?), both of which later went on to Purdue where Sparks jumped 5.30/5.35.

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Re: Who coached histories top HS vaulters?

Unread postby jaysker » Fri May 10, 2013 12:10 pm

I'm not a pole vaulter, but I know the guys that Coach Hester coached personally. Coach Hester also founded the OCTC (Orange Country Track Club), in the 1989(?). This small club routinely sent kids to the national youth Olympics for both AAU and what used to be called TAC. So, though he's know for pole vault, he coached sprinters, shot/discus throwers, and more. He would pick us up in his giant white Lincoln town car with poles strapped to the roof and drag us to every track meet that would have us. He's truly dedicated, often spending his own money to help his kids.

If you do work with him in Cleveland, tell him Jayson Tomlin says hello. :-)

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Re: Who coached histories top HS vaulters?

Unread postby nitro » Fri May 10, 2013 1:15 pm

Bob Shank:
Corey Shank 17 0
Hunter Hall 16 8
6 other 16 foot vaulters
Katie Veith 14' 0"
Brianna Neumann 13' 9"
5 national champions
pain is only temporary victory is forever

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