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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:29 pm
by OAKPV2004
All im trying to say is that if your at a meet, when your name is called you are probably ready as you will ever be,unless your waiting for the wind to chill out, a minute and half isn't much time to do anything to help you vault. at least to me it wouldn't seem to change anything. :dazed:

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:35 pm
by vaultin chris
actually when my name is called i'm usually not ready to start my run. i usually dont have both hands on the pole and u sually not standin on the runway, when my name is called. see i HATE the guys who stand right behind u on the runway during the compeition, like the bar and pit are gonna get up and walk way after i jump.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 12:18 am
by lonestar
What is the number one problem with pv competitions? They take too damn long!

I think OAKPV is onto something - 10 seconds is a little hasty, but yes, you should be ready to go when your name is called and standing near the runway when you're on deck. Move the event along as quickly as possible - have 2 people setting the standards, 2 others putting the bar up, 1 official to record misses, 1 to take and call out standard placements, and 1 to make sure they're set. Sounds like a lot of personnel, but pv competitions don't have to take 4 hours.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 9:57 pm
by Vaultref
Russ wrote:I noticed this inconsistency too. Here's what I think happened. A year or two ago they amended the pv time limit rule in 7-2-5(a) to be 1.5 minutes instead of the 1 minute for other jumps. Unfortunately, they forgot to change 7-5-29(e) at the same time. Legislators make these kinds of errors all of the time. I plan to write the NFHS and ask for a clarification. My legal judgment is that when 2 rules are inconsitent, the more recently enacted rule is the one that should govern the situation. So the 1.5 minute rule is what should control.

No need to contact them.. it was an editiorial error and they have acknowledged that fact through the various state rule interpertors. They are the ones that pass the information down to the officials in situations like this.
The time limit when there are four or more in competion is still 90 seconds. Same as last year.


Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 10:06 pm
by mcminkz05
the time limit shudnt b too low. like i dont take very long, but sometimes if im nervous, its nice to have a minute to calm down and focus.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 1:46 am
by polevaultninja
you know what would be if the last person in the vault made a sandwich, cut it in half, and ate it in the 6 minutes they get to jump! i just think that would be the greatest fact, i think im goin to try that! wish me luck!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 9:23 pm
by wayupthere
OAKPV2004 wrote:All im trying to say is that if your at a meet, when your name is called you are probably ready as you will ever be,unless your waiting for the wind to chill out, a minute and half isn't much time to do anything to help you vault. at least to me it wouldn't seem to change anything. :dazed:

well sometimes a vaulter can be distracted by either people yelling or talking to them. or if some gay idiot from the competing team walks across the runway. it may take a second for u to get focused and concentrate. somethin to think about