Guy to Girl Conversion

News about national level high school pole vaulting, pole vaulters, rules, etc. Things that are of local interest only should go in the regional forums below. High schoolers wanting to chat should go to the High School Lounge.

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Unread postby tigervaulter727 » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:15 pm

Thanks for finding this for me Becca! :D

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Boy vs Girl in HS

Unread postby fchipr » Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:27 pm

My vote based on the top HS acheivers I 've seen. I say theres a decent seperation in girls somewhere between 11 and 11-6 and guys at 15. So my vote HS Boy 15 footer, girl 11-6er. Guess thats 31/2 feet. Good ballpark. Hmm work at lower hts? 11' guy, 7-6 girl....mmmmm no I'd say more like 8 ft girl, but its still a decent guesstimate....for whatever reason you'd care.

One way you might consider is based on scholarship liklihood or actuall scholarships received. Like 15-6 guy, 12 girl? vs??? Nope that really isnt much to work with either...too many other variables.

So I vote, 3 to 3.5 ft and.... do we really care to compare apples to peaches?

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