excused to do another event, but for how long?

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Unread postby stormvault » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:50 pm

I personally think that 10 minutes should be plenty of time. Although we ran into a simular situation in an invitational a few years ago and we had to pass a girl up and I had to listen to how unfair that was to the athlete. Well is it fair to the other athletes that they have to sit around longer waiting for some kid to lolly gag back to the pole vault.

As many of you know a good person on the clipboard is paramount, without that it doesn't matter if you run 3 alive 5 alive or 35 alive, the competition is going to slow to a crawl.

Master, I really want to know how your procedure works out and how other schools do at following it?

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Unread postby master » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:29 am

rainbowgirl28 wrote:
master wrote:The NFHS 2007 Casebook was extremely helpful to me for this problem. I have written a "procedure" that I have given to the head coach.

Can you post this "procedure"?

Please recognize this document is only a first attempt at creating something that hopefully will be helpful in speeding up our pole vault competitions. Undoubtedly it will change before it runs smoothly. I'm a little reluctant to post it before we have some experience with it, but yet if others work with it they could provide feedback with what does and doesn't work. So here you have it (in pdf format).

As noted in an earlier post on this topic, I would also provide other team's coaches with that list of "guidelines for a competitor who has been excused from a field event to compete in another event".

- master

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:48 am

Looks solid :yes:

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